Don’t mourn the monster, mourn his victims

I do not celebrate the death of anyone. However, seeing how NATO, UN, USA, and the EU, have acted in these past days, I would like to remind everyone how it could and should have been done:

Statement on the Death of Pol Pot
April 16, 1998

The death of Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot has again brought to international attention one of the most tragic chapters of inhumanity in the twentieth century. Between 1975 and 1979, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge followers transformed Cambodia into the killing fields, causing the death of an estimated 2 million
of their countrymen in a brutal attempt to transform Cambodian society.

Although the opportunity to hold Pol Pot accountable for his monstrous crimes appears to have passed, senior Khmer Rouge, who exercised leadership from 1975 to 1979, are still at large and share responsibility for the monstrous human rights abuses committed during this period. We must not permit the death of the most notorious of the Khmer Rouge leaders to deter us from the equally important task of bringing these others to justice. And equally, we must renew our determination to prevent such  atrocities from occurring in the future.

Now is a time to remember the victims of Pol Pot’s murderous reign of terror and to underscore our determination to help the Cambodian people achieve a lasting peace based on respect for basic human rights and democratic principles.
President William J. Clinton

I will not, here, remind anyone of the atrocities of Iran under the “Butcher of Teheran”, President Ebrahim Raisi, but will instead say this:

Unless you actually know what happened under his rule, that is, unless you actively sought out information on your own hand, nothing, absolutely nothing, you can imagine as a reasonable person covers what happened in Iran. Bury the parts the wolves didn’t eat but don’t mourn the monster.

Mourn his victims.























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